
benefits & features

Our products

clean energy features

Solar Home System (SHS)

Off-Grid Solar Panels with batteries for energy storage.

Solar Pump – Water Supply

Solar Panel Systems for water pumps.

Hybrid System

Combined Systems for Solar and Wind Power.

Energy Storage

Batteries, water.

We satisfy your energy needs no matter how big or small it is and we do so with cleaner energy production that does not jeopardize the planet and society globally. We offer efficient solar energy production and storage.

Consultancy Services for Authorities and Companies

Energy Efficiency

We measure and calculate energy usage and propose improvements.

We offer effective solutions for improving waste management in vulnerable areas.

clean tech

world class projects adapted to your community

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cost reduction
+ 0 %
more power
+ 0 %
Cleaner energy
+ 0 %

Project Consultancy

Additional Services


We educate and train the locals to maintain the systems and work towards a sustainable lifestyle.